Borders, identities, metaphors

Keywords: Literature


At the European literature origins there is a work by Aeschylus that represents the idea of frontier and foreigner, we referring to Persians. It is the scene in Susa where the old Councillors and Queen Athossa, Darius' widow and mother of Xerxes, wonder about the fate of the army that has gone to war against the Greeks. The queen has had a premonitory dream that has disturbed her. But the dream was confirmed when they received the news of the Persian defeat at Salamis, the massacre of the soldiers on the island of Psittalia and Xerxes' escape by messenger. Darius is evoked, who still foretells misfortunes in Boeotia and Platea. With the disappearance of the spectre comes Xerxes, wounded and weeping, who remembers all the dead warriors and the destruction of his army.


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How to Cite
Arduini, S. (2003). Borders, identities, metaphors. Letras (Lima), 74(105-106), 35-48.