Metáfora y Teoría Informacional para la mejora del pensamiento formal en adolescentes con trastorno del neurodesarrollo intelectual leve


The concept is stated to work improving the formal thinking in people who  have  been  diagnosed  with  mild  intellectual  development (TDI) (DSM-5  (317))  disorder,  commonly  known  as  mild  mental  retardation syndrome (ICD-10 (F70 )), is that the process of abstraction is seriously damaged  them.  This  association  is  linked  to  the  preference  on  the principles   of   biological,   regardless   social   kinetis   and   epigenetic components observed in contexts that only the conceptual disabilities only pathological indicator and do not consider the interaction with the environment and other guidelines or factors that could intervene. If you are attached to it that the instruments through which is measured and this alteration only are oriented to measure IQ is diagnosed, a spectrum of possibilities that contribute to a climate of discrimination in countries is obtained as Peru and others with similar realities.Faced  with  this  problem,  we  hypothesized  that  individuals  who  have the  disease  mentioned,  they  are  capable  of  developing  abstraction  by applying  appropriate  program  is  proposed  that  is  based  on  cognitive metaphor, by the same general guidelines. In subjects who did not have the TDI, this type of learning is natural; however, for the population to which it is intended to conduct the study, the evidence would be found linked to the intervention, by design, to include situations in everyday life  and  real.  For  this  reason,  it  is  preferred  that  the  work  is  aimed  at an adolescent sample to show that formal thinking-which is initiated at since  early  adolescence,  at  12  or  13,  approximately- denote  it  also  be possible, as form of abstraction, in individuals with the TDI. The system through  which  the  layout  of  this  work  is  directed  is  based on  the  use of cognitive metaphor theory and informational Dr. Pedro Ortiz, from a descriptive design, which will be the basis for further experimentation.


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How to Cite
Vásquez Espinoza, P. (2014). Metáfora y Teoría Informacional para la mejora del pensamiento formal en adolescentes con trastorno del neurodesarrollo intelectual leve. Letras (Lima), 85(122), 213-226.