The silence of Guaman Poma de Ayala before Supay: from goblin, spirit and ghost to devil


In this essay I examine textual examples of silence or omission use d by Guamán Poma de Ayala before Quechua terms that refer to the A ndean supernatural and/or sacred and its eventual change, in colonial dict ionaries and Spanish historiography, in evil otherness. With this objective, I analyze Guamán Poma’s written and iconic-visual rhetoric of supay and the devil/demon that reveal the discursive ambivalence created and maintained by the author throughout his work. When compared with the devil in Christianity, the treatment of supay offers an alte rnate answer to the logic of coloniality proposed by Mignolo (2007). This allows me to read Guamán Poma’s chronicle as an example of delinki ng from the rhetoric of modernity that dominates historiography about Indigenous Americas.


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How to Cite
Quispe-Agnoli, R. (2014). The silence of Guaman Poma de Ayala before Supay: from goblin, spirit and ghost to devil. Letras (Lima), 85(121), 47-62.