The modernist chronicle and its realization in "Viendo pasar las cosas"


We propose to make a first approach to the analysis of the content of the column "Seeing things happen" that Enrique Carrillo (Cabotín) published in various magazines and newspapers in Lima between 1904 and 1916. Secondly, I will try to explain why Carrillo's chronicle manifests itself in a mixed and multiform form, without a generic model predominating. Finally I will comment on some of the most important chronicles that offer an initial overview of the author's chronicle work. In that sense, the publication of his chronicles in a book corresponds to a 1957 edition that he prepared himself. All the quotes I extract are from that text, although I refer, as a matter of fact, to part of his work that was not published in book form.


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Métricas alternativas


BERMAN, Marshall. Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire. México, Siglo XXI, 1988.
CARRILLO, Enrique (Cabotín). Viendo pasar las cosas. Lima, Antonio Lulli, 1957.
GONZÁLEZ, Aníbal. La crónica modernista hispanoamericana. Madrid, José Porrúa Ediciones, 1983.
HAJJAJ, Karima. "Crónica y viaje en el modernismo: Enrique Gómez Carrillo y El encanto de Buenos Aires". En Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, N°23,1984. Madrid, Universidad Complutense.
LOTMAN, Yuri. Cultura y explosión. Barcelona, Gedisa, 1999.
RAMA, Ángel. La ciudad letrada. Hanover, Ediciones del Norte, 1984.
RAMOS, Julio. Desencuentros de la modernidad en América Latina. México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1989.
ROTKER, Susana. Fundación de una escritura. Las crónicas de José Martí. La Habana, Casa de las Américas, 1992.
How to Cite
Espinoza Espinoza, E. (2002). The modernist chronicle and its realization in "Viendo pasar las cosas". Letras (Lima), 73(103-104), 263-272.