The methods of seminars in Peru

  • Delfín A. Ludeña Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
Keywords: Seminars


At the session of the Faculty of Arts on 17 January 1925, it was agreed, which I copy verbatim: "The Sub-Dean, after expressing his gratitude for the vote of honour granted to him, proposed the creation of a seminar course attached to the chair of Philosophy of Education. Dr. Ibérico offered his support for this form of study; and Dr. Urteaga expressed the convenience of opening a seminar course for the subject of Archaeology. The Faculty agreed to the creation of the Seminar proposed by the Deputy Dean".


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How to Cite
Ludeña, D. A. (1943). The methods of seminars in Peru. Letras (Lima), 9(26), 395-407.